My Journey into Data Science

Since my school days I enjoyed doing mathematics and learned to do basic programming.

Later on, I studied Electronics& Computer Science Engineering and started building robots.

In my freshmen year, I built basic bots which follow directions based on switch control. Down the line, I started programming in micro controllers, I wrote hundreds of rules in microprocessors for bot directions and obstacles.

In my senior year, I came across machine learning and started thinking in the lines of what if the device can learn the path or when to take a turn. What if we can build a bot that can adapt and adjust itself to the route or data. That thought and passion for building robots made me continue my journey in machine learning.

I took an introduction to machine learning course by Andrew NG in coursera. I started my career as full time machine learning engineer. Explored application of machine learning in finance& health care industries by deriving business value through Data Science.

After working for couple of years, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence/ Data Science. While pursuing my masters, I worked on Building Prediction Modelling and Comparison of Machine Learning models on (Electronic Health Records) Data.

I'm always open for discussions and new opportunities, so feel free to reach out to ask any questions or queries.

All of my projects and source code can be found on: github repositories.

All of the source code is written in Python/ R, JavaScript and SQL.

The detailed reports, results, code and visualizations can be accessed at: